Social Media Influencer Kai Cenat Charged with Inciting Riot and Unlawful Assembly in New York City

A social media influencer Kai Cenat faces charges of inciting a riot and unlawful assembly at Union Square during a chaotic giveaway event. Thousands-strong crowds led to arrests and injuries. Read more.

In a shocking turn of events, social media influencer Kai Cenat has found himself in legal trouble after thousands-strong crowds gathered in Union Square, New York City, for a giveaway event he promoted on his social media platforms. The event, meant to be a generous gesture, quickly turned chaotic, leading to dozens of arrests and several police officers sustaining injuries. This article delves into the incident, exploring the events leading up to the riot and the aftermath.

Kai Cenat's Giveaway Event at Union Square Park

The Exciting Giveaway Announcement

Kai Cenat, a well-known personality on YouTube, Instagram, and Twitch, boasting over 4 million, 5 million, and 6.5 million followers respectively, announced a “huge giveaway” during a Twitch stream on Wednesday. He promised the giveaway would take place on Friday at 4 p.m. in Union Square Park, New York City. The prizes included computers, Play Station 5s, microphones, keyboards, webcams, gaming chairs, headphones, and gift cards.

The Gathering of the Crowds

As the news of the giveaway spread, people began arriving at the park around 3 p.m., causing a rapid surge in the crowd size. NYPD Chief Jeffrey Maddrey reported that the park and surrounding streets were soon overrun, leading to vehicular and pedestrian traffic disruptions. The sheer volume of attendees prompted the NYPD to activate a “Level 4” response, indicating a high level of disaster response.

Chaos and Violence Unfold

As the crowd grew, some individuals in the park engaged in acts of violence towards both the police and the public. Reports suggested that some attendees even took items from a nearby construction site, wielding shovels, axes, and other tools. Fireworks were lit and thrown towards the police and each other, further escalating the situation. Concerned about public safety, the police deemed the gathering an unlawful assembly and acted to disperse the crowd.

Kai Cenat’s Involvement and Consequences

Kai Cenat was removed from the scene by the police for safety reasons. It was discovered that he had not alerted the authorities about the gathering or obtained a permit for the event. As a result of the chaos, several police officers were injured, and numerous people were arrested. Chief Maddrey emphasized that while young people gathering and having fun are not discouraged, such events cannot escalate to dangerous levels causing harm to participants and the public.

Monitoring the Aftermath

After the crowd dispersed from Union Square Park, the police continued to monitor “crowds mulling around Manhattan.” The incident sparked concerns about the need for better crowd management and event coordination to prevent such situations from occurring in the future.


The events surrounding Kai Cenat’s giveaway at Union Square in New York City have left authorities and the public concerned about the implications of social media influencers organizing large gatherings. While the intention might have been noble, the lack of proper planning and control resulted in chaos and violence. It serves as a reminder that responsible event management and coordination are crucial, ensuring the safety and well-being of all involved.


  1. What led to the chaos during the giveaway event?
    The chaos during the giveaway event was caused by the overwhelming number of attendees, acts of violence, and the absence of proper crowd control measures.
  2. Why did the police arrest Kai Cenat?
    Kai Cenat was arrested for inciting a riot and unlawful assembly, among other charges, due to his involvement in promoting the gathering without proper permits and without notifying the police.
  3. How many people were arrested during the incident?
    A total of 65 people, including 30 juveniles, were arrested during the incident.
  4. Were there any injuries reported during the event?
    Yes, several police officers and attendees were injured during the chaos.
  5. What precautions can be taken to prevent such incidents in the future?
    Proper event planning, coordination with authorities, and measures for crowd control are essential to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

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