Futurama Returns Strong: A Reboot Set in 3023

The sci-fi cartoon Futurama’s 11th season is making a grand return on Hulu in the US (and Disney+ elsewhere) after a decade-long hiatus. With ten years gone by, many wonder if the show can recapture its former glory and remain as relevant as it was a decade ago. Fear not, as the new episodes successfully reboot the series in 3023, still a thousand years into the future, with the same vibrant energy it possessed when it was canceled for the second time back in 2013.

A Nostalgic Journey

Futurama originally debuted almost twenty-five years ago in 1999, emerging from the shadows of The Simpsons. Its initial four seasons were nothing short of excellent, boasting multiple award-winning episodes like “Roswell That Ends Well” and “Goodfellas.” While the protagonists, Philip J. Fry (voiced by Billy West) and Leela (Katey Sagal), delivered plenty of hilarious lines, it was the foul-mouthed, beer-drinking robot Bender (John DiMaggio) who arguably stole the spotlight, becoming the most beloved character. For those unfamiliar with the show’s premise, it follows the story of Fry, a pizza-delivery boy frozen cryogenically on New Year’s Eve in 1999, only to awaken a millennium later. The new season picks up after a brief period of time being paused, with Professor Farnsworth (also voiced by West) somehow rebooting the universe, allowing everyone to seamlessly continue where they left off. “We’re back, baby!” exclaims Bender as he lights a cigar.

Embracing Self-Mockery

Throughout its existence, Futurama has experienced multiple cancellations and revivals. In the new season, it playfully mocks itself for this, with the characters convincing “Fulu” executives (who happen to be robots) to revive a canceled robot soap opera beloved by Fry. They help him binge-watch numerous seasons by ensconcing him in a Dune-style still suit that takes care of his needs, including a helmet that drills into his skull. Bender himself even takes a stab at writing a couple of soap opera episodes, but they turn out to be less than stellar—apparently, even a millennium from now, AI still can’t write very well. Nevertheless, this classic Futurama humor pays homage to the sci-fi of the past while remaining current.

Overcoming Challenges

The show almost didn’t make it to this point. During the development of the new season, John DiMaggio initially withdrew from the Futurama revival, advocating for better pay for the entire cast (a long-standing issue for TV and video game voice actors). This sparked a fan backlash under the hashtag #BenderGate. Fortunately, the matter was eventually resolved, and DiMaggio returned to his iconic role.

Futurama’s Impact and References

Created by Matt Groening and David X. Cohen, Futurama was born before the era of Y2K, smartphones, social media, and artificial intelligence, as well as the rise of animated space comedies like Rick and Morty and Star Trek: Lower Decks, both of which now boast new seasons in production. Although Futurama differs from Rick and Morty in its lighter tone and less scientific grounding compared to Star Trek, it’s easy to see how these shows have influenced each other, contributing to the popularity of animated sci-fi today.

Furthermore, Futurama references the 2020s more than its counterparts. Its show-within-a-show now pays homage to Black Mirror, and there’s even an episode centered around Bitcoin, complete with crypto scams and financial losses. The show also explores topics such as a server farm, raising ethical questions not about energy consumption or carbon footprints but about the robots’ heads powering it. Other episodes delve into a Covid-like outbreak, the use of Ivermectin (albeit for deworming), a significant character getting “canceled,” and the marvels of 3D printing.

The Future of Futurama

With ten weeks of episodes in the new iteration, and an additional ten episodes planned for season 12, Futurama continues to be a labor of love for its creators. It embraces its origins while remaining forward-looking, making it an exciting prospect for both long-time fans and newcomers alike. As it journeys into the future, Futurama’s distinct blend of humor and sci-fi continues to capture hearts and minds.

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